DelranSTEM is looking to add 10-15 new STEMbassadors for the 2020-2021 school year!

Who are STEMbassadors?
STEMbassadors are the student STEM ambassadors for DelranSTEM. They are excellent communicators, show strong leadership skills, and think innovatively about using technology to improve the world. STEMbassadors attend training sessions and are knowledgeable about the machinery and equipment in the Delran Innovation & Fabrication Lab. A critical role of the STEMbassadors is that they help educate younger children, peers, teachers, and adult community members who attend events in our Lab. DelranSTEM’s mission is STEM for ALL, and our STEMbassadors are an integral part of bringing STEM learning to life in Delran by serving as inspiring role models for fellow students and the community.
How to apply
Applicants must fill out the application form on To get started, create a Tallo profile if you don't already have one. Directions for creating a profile can be found here.
Once you are logged in on Tallo, you will be able to search for the opportunity called "Delran STEMbassador Application 2020," and complete the application online.
The deadline to complete the application is Monday, October 5, 2020.