On September 27, 2019, DelranSTEM held the Create Bravely: Fab@School event, with the support of several ecosystem partners. Fablevision CEO and author Paul A. Reynolds kicked off the day with a keynote address to begin the professional development day for all Delran staff. He inspired us to make our mark and create bravely, and shared the importance of having a critical, productive friend to help you spark your best self.

Following the keynote, Fab@School trainer Maryann Molishus spent the day training teachers on how to use Fab@School. Teachers who teach everything from kindergarten through 12th grade learned how to use the 2D design software, and how to fabricate their creations on silhouette die-cut machines.

However, the absolute highlight of the day came in the afternoon with the first community engagement event in the Delran Innovation & Fabrication Lab. Students and families had the opportunity to pre-order Paul Reynolds’ books, including The Dot, Going Places, and several titles from the Sydney & Simon STEM series from community business partner Barnes & Noble Moorestown. At the event, families collected their pre-orders and got to meet Paul and get their books signed.
Next, students and families worked with Lab Managers Mr. Paul Maraldo and Mr. Shaun DeLoche, along with student Lab Ambassadors, to learn the basics of the Fab@School software and design their own “dot.” Lab Ambassadors ushered visitors from the design space into the fabrication space of the lab to fabricate their creations. Dot embellishing stations followed, along with an engineering design challenge, in which participants had to work within given constraints and use toothpicks and dot candy to design and build a structure. Lab Ambassadors judged the structures based on creativity and ability to hold a designated object.
This is just the beginning, the first in a series of community engagement events planned throughout the school year. We look forward to welcoming many more families into our lab throughout the year!